“The Sleepers”
The Sleepers
Forbidden combinations of syllables
Hijack the mouth the throat shoulders
The delegating mind If the word is taboo
Understood or otherwise a body says it
Most abundantly I did not know
The anatomy of it It was my anatomy
Its throat & throttle spit & ignorance
All sleeping in my skin Children have a knack
For viciousness even old children
We were 16 maybe I was 17 We howled
Until our lungs collapsed We tired
Lobbing the word like a football
With no referee no knowing
We were rigging the game Which is absurd
To keep up with that metaphor life
A game We snarled & huffed & barked
& growled & cackled our language test We
Absorb words follow some leads as we
Learn to interpret this world They are given
We accept them We assign them
In the mind So the seeing matches
A word gifted to us & the word
Offered teaches us what we see
See think word think see We saw
The word we touted across the house
Pummeling each other into the couch
We saw the word in the spit flying
We were grateful unbridled no one
Victim of the word was around No
One we saw & so thought & so
Worded as victim anyway The word
Woke us into sleep Further into sleep
The word was a sleeping pill a trigger
Of blanks What we saw & so thought & so
I am now wording as blanks Repeated though
It was a series of rogue shots into the night
That would peak and scream back
Into someone’s living room someone’s
Unsuspecting shoulder The word would wound
Would maim assassinate while we slept
From birth we were groomed for this
Undercover objective No one knew
They were training us There never was
A coded cue They did not want us woke
They wanted us awake in our sleep wanted
A spot on our lungs souring the air
That makes the word into a body of force
A war we worded & so thought & saw
Phantom & bodily revised though printed
In the book of everlasting
Wesley Rothman‘s debut collection, SUBWOOFER, will be published by New Issues Poetry and Prose in fall 2017. His work has appeared in Copper Nickel, Gulf Coast, Harvard Review, New England Review, Prairie Schooner, and The Golden Shovel Anthology, among other venues. Recipient of a Vermont Studio Center fellowship, he teaches in Washington, DC, while pursuing a doctorate in literature.