
Prose that encourages us to engage with books of poetry, individual poets, and issues of craft or poetics.


Through Armantrout’s Looking Glass: The Poem as Wonderland

Essays, Recent

Going in Fear of Negation: What Happens When We Stop Saying ‘No’?

Essays, Recent, SAL Essay Series

A Triptych on Toi Derricotte

Essays, Recent

The Territory Is Also the Map

Essays, SAL Essay Series

Still Loving the World

Essays, Recent

Magical Realism and the Sociology of Possibility

Essays, Recent

To Be in the Truth of Us

Essays, Recent

A Sense of Location and an Act of Leave-Taking

Essays, SAL Essay Series

Faith in the Particular


Touching Time: The Poetry and Performance of Charles Simic

Commentary, Essays, On Failure

On Rejection, the Language of Trauma, and the Rewards of Staying Open


Can Poetry Be a Vehicle for Social Change?