Thinking Like a Mountain: On the Centennial of Marianne Moore’s “An Octopus”
An essay by Dave Seter
An essay by Dave Seter
A discussion with contributors to the new anthology from Fonograf Editions
“It is possible for language to be purely a textural landscape.” —Jennifer S. Cheng
“I demand this of my own poetry. It has to be intellectually rigorous. It has to be about something. It has to have emotional resonance. It has to have musicality and it’s got to have an artistic edge.”
“Tonally, in this book, I was interested in ambivalence, in quiet moments of contradiction.”
Conversations with contributors and other writers curated by Helene Achanzar
“Dreams, like letters or memories or photographs, can resurrect the dead, and the dead arrive throughout this book.”
Poetry Northwest commits to the Palestinian-led international call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS), including signing on to the Palestinian Academic and Cultural
Boycott of Israel (PACBI).
Blessed are we, betrayers of all counterfeit kinships
I have eulogized the dead my entire life, and this has exhausted me.