2012 Theodore Roethke & Carolyn Kizer Prizes
Nate Klug is the recipient of a Theodore Roethke Prize for poems appearing in the Fall & Winter 2012-2013 issue of Poetry Northwest.
Sarah Lindsay is the recipient of the Carolyn Kizer Prize for poems appearing in the Spring & Summer 2012 issue of Poetry Northwest.
The Theodore Roethke Prize and the Carolyn Kizer Prize are awarded to recognize the best work published in Poetry Northwest each year. There is no application process; only poems published in the magazine are eligible for consideration. For a list of past winners of these and other prizes, visit here.
We would also like to extend our congratulations to Timothy Donnelly and–again!–Sarah Lindsay, each a winner of a Pushcart Prize for poems published in the Spring & Summer 2012 issue of Poetry Northwest.
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