Margin Call – printer’s error in current issue
A Note to Readers & Subscribers:
We recently discovered, after mailing and distribution of the current issue (Volume 9, Number 1 – aka The Social Media Issue) that an uncertain number of copies contain a substantial printer’s error. An unknown number in our print run were trimmed to the wrong margin (10″ x 8″ instead of 10.5″ by 8″), thereby cutting into the buffer of white space around each page. Fortunately, this error does not mar, cut into, or otherwise affect any of the poems or visual art reproduced in the issue. It does, however, cut off the title of the Back/Draft page, and make the Table of Contents look unusually crowded.
The correct page / image should look like this:
The miscut issue looks like this:
You can also see the difference in the TOC in this comparative image:
We sincerely apologize for this error and any inconvenience it has caused our readers. If you received one of these miscut copies, and would like a replacement copy (with the correct margin size) sent to you, please contact our Business Manager, Terry Myer, at teresa [at] poetrynw [dot] org. Be sure to include your current address. We will of course mail these copies free of charge. Since we don’t know the extent of the problem, we’ll rely on readers and subscribers to tell us if they need a replacement.
Meanwhile, thank you for your forebearance, and for being a loyal reader of Poetry Northwest.
Kevin Craft