The Subvocal Zoo

The Subvocal Zoo: Sally Keith – Acting and Failing to Act

Poetry Northwest‘s monthly podcast series, The Subvocal Zoo, features editors and friends of the magazine interviewing poets. Each episode features lively conversation between writers in a different location.

7218156478_9fb109efca_kEpisode 7 features Sally Keith in conversation with Dan Beachy-Quick. This episode was recorded in the galleries of Minneapolis’ Walker Art Center during the annual AWP Conference. The two poets discuss poems from Keith’s earlier books as well as work from her newest book, River House. Topics of conversation include: motion & emotion, Jorie Graham, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Agnes Martin, image & memory, and the joys of friendship.

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Sally Keith is the author most recently of River House and The Fact of the Matter, both from Milkweed Editions, as well as Design (CLP) and Dwelling Song (University of Georgia). She teaches at George Mason University and lives in Washington, DC.

Dan Beachy-Quick’s most recent collections of poetry include gentlessness (Tupelo) and the chapbook Shields & Shards & Stitches & Songs (Omnidawn). A recipient of a 2015 Guggenheim Fellowship, he is currently a Monfort Professor at Colorado State University where he teaches in the MFA Writing Program.

Episode 8 will feature poet Michael Bazzett in conversation with Associate Editor Justin Boening.

This podcast is made possible in part by listener support. If you enjoy what we’re doing here, we hope you’ll consider becoming a supporting listener by donating to our Patreon page!

We would love to know what you think. Please leave a comment in iTunes, at the web site, or email Aaron at

photo credit: A Walker Art Center Holgarama (license)