The Subvocal Zoo: Keith Leonard – Growing Ode
Poetry Northwest‘s podcast series, The Subvocal Zoo, features editors and friends of the magazine interviewing poets. Each episode features lively conversation between writers in a different location.Episode 11 of the Subvocal Zoo podcast features Keith Leonard interviewed by Poetry Northwest editor Kevin Craft. Their conversation takes place during the 2015 Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference in Middlebury, Vermont. Topics of discussion include: joy, tenderness, Krispy Kreme, odes, Ross Gay & the poetics of pain, basketball, and writing poems & parenting.
Keith Leonard‘s first collection of poems, Ramshackle Ode, is forthcoming from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in April 2016. He is also the author of a chapbook, Still, the Shore, published by YesYes Books. Keith is currently a Visiting Lecturer in Creative Writing at Indiana University.
Kevin Craft is the editor of Poetry Northwest.
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Photo courtesy of Matthew Kelsey.